Wednesday 21 January 2015

How promotional staff is recruited by an engagement marketing agency?

In the purview of engagement marketing, it is all about the efficiency of the staff that is involved in various campaigns organized by the company. This is due to their abilities and smartness that your brand is able to achieve that recognition and status that you expect from the market. To keep the business going, the engagement marketing agency needs to have the best manpower that can stay on the front line and represent your brand with high confidence. This is one of the reasons such agencies have a large database of promotional staff

Therefore, these agencies consistently search for people who have what it takes for this kind of job. Their recruitment team generally looks for people local to the place where the event is about to take place. Basically, these agencies have teams that find talented people from all corners of the country.
Apart from searching outdoor, they also take help of internet to find interested candidates. Searching for people on social media and recruitment sites is one easy and safe talent search option. Lots of people can be found through Facebook and Twitter that will be capable for the job.

Once they have shortlisted the number of people needed, a full-time processing department is involved that is needed to filter motivated individual to their employee database. 

Plenty of brand ambassadors and promotional staff already exist with these companies. Still, a fresh face always adds as a booster. 

Search for agencies whose list of promotional staff is comparatively higher. A company with a bigger database of employees signifies their popularity and reputation. Your advertisement can be done easily with people who are well-versed with your area of marketing and can converse with the vernacular your target market is acquainted with. This will ensure the proper conveyance of your message as well as generate the proper feedback.

Friday 16 January 2015

Questions to get your promotional team prepared

An experiential agency provides all kinds of staff that your event requires. Be it emcee, promo staff,  brand ambassadors, hosts and hostesses, road show staff, etc., the agency readies a team of few people and they arrive right on time to coordinate the event. To make your event even more effective, it will be highly efficient if you are giving details about the event to the brand experience agency. Since you have discussed, prepare a list of few questions based on the event that you can ask the group assigned to your event. This easily eliminates the headache of delays and other malfunctions that take place in an event due to an unprepared team. 

The list of questions can be as follows:

Time of arrival – What is the time at which the team needs to show up at the venue?

Things they need to bring – Whether they are required to bring anything? 

Required attire – What will be the attire they are supposed to be in on the particular day? Do they have backup in case something goes wrong?

Brand talking points – Are they well-versed with the various talking points of the brand? Do they have enough knowledge about the product or not? 

Other key information – What are their backup plans? What is their chain of reporting?

These were some of the few categories and the question that you must ask before the event takes place. The type of answers you get will help in deciding how prepared the team is. In experiential marketing, the staff is the alternative USP and their performance affects the performance of the brand as well. 

Choosing the right experiential agency will render you with highly smart and skilled people that will get acquainted with every aspect of your brand in no time. Just provide the basic details and they will come full-fledged at your event.

Friday 2 January 2015

Experiential marketing - Influencing the Social media online

Marketing took a new form when digital media came into the picture. Ad commercials were introduced and companies that earlier used experiential marketing to promote their products on a global level shifted to this option. TV served as the biggest medium of connection between brands and audience and we all know how the rest of the story goes. But, what we all might not know is that experiential marketing is making a comeback.

Otherwise known as engagement marketing, it is recently gaining a huge attention from the audience due to the uniqueness and creativity that has been brought into it. With out-of-the-box ideas devised by brandexperience agency, the publicity becomes more effective and far-reaching than any other digital ad shown on a TV. So high has been the popularity that it has had a high influence on the online world. People with social media profiles, especially on Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook, etc., talk about the advertisement activity, share their opinions, and discuss over the topics. With people talking and discussing about a particular topic one more than one platform, it is sure that a more effective impression is created in the minds of the customers 

Internet promotions are highly critical for a brand’s success. With the increasing number of online customers, it is of paramount necessity that you link your product to the online world in some or the other way. 

Various bigwigs in the industry are now turning to engagement marketing first before anything when it comes to brand promotion. One can easily find an experiential agency that can suggest effective ideas of promotion with the least investment. There are also ideas that can make your brand a star overnight. This is done with the aid of brand ambassadors

With all kinds of possibilities, experiential marketing is sooner going to have the top spot that it used to hold.