Tuesday 25 November 2014

Perks of using experiential marketing

One reason of choosing experiential marketing is, it is way less costly to TV and other digital media ads that are available these days. McKinsey and Co., once predicted that TV ads will be only third effective due to the increasing cost of the advertisement and the availability of other forms of promotions. Although the fragmentation and segmentations continuous in the arena of marketing, one that has survived all these is experiential marketing

Experiential marketing, by its very own nature, is a kind of advertisement consumers can’t ignore. Since the marketing engages with the customer on a personal level, it is too hard to separate them out from your lives. It helps in generating a more healthy relationship with the consumers and that continued for a long term. Other than that, it also leads to the increase in sales and generation of more leads that any other medium through “word of mouth”.

Some perks of going for this kind of marketing are:

Increases loyalty – Once a consumer goes for the product, s/he sticks for a long period of time
Builds a large base of consumers – With the help of an effective brand marketing, more and more customers start showing an appreciation towards the product.

Creates memoriesPromotional staff who are involved in the activity of product demonstrations and promotion carry them out in such a manner that strong memories are created that can be savored for a lifetime.

Raise awareness – Apart from product sales, this marketing basically focuses on awareness. As a result, people become more knowledgeable about the product promoted through engagement marketing as compared to the product promoted though digital marketing

Verifies the target market – You can easily understand in which market your product has a better future. 

Go for an experiential agency that has the right experience and staff to carry out effective and result-oriented marketing campaigns.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Guerrilla Marketing


How businesses are using guerilla marketing?

Marketing is increasing like anything and there is nothing that is omitted in this context. In this wake of marketing reformation, businesses always try to go for different kinds of advertisement ideas to ensure their dominancy over their competitors. One of the new and highly adopted marketing formats in the recent times is guerilla marketing, a kind of promotional medium that gets its inspiration from a warfare technique. The ideology is to surprise the target market with something, but in a positive manner. 

Although it initially kicked off as marketing campaign for small startups and enterprises, the efficacy sooner attracted the bigwigs in the industry and they tried to go for it as well. For instance, one company tried to create a bomb scare in order to promote their upcoming neo-noir movie. On being asked why they would prefer such kind of promotional campaign that might create a negative impression, they simply replied, “that’s okay, but now everybody has an idea about our movie”.

The logic behind was once you take the emotion out of it, you will understand how effective an innovative the campaign was. Although not always advisable, this kind engagement marketing campaigns was able to create a pretty high quantum of buzz than any other marketing strategy could. The intention here is to capture the attention of the people and make them dig more and more about your product. Once the surprise is unveiled, people can leave the decision whether to go for it or not to their own but at least they have a fair idea about the product by that time. 

Going for brand ambassadors or promotional staff is not the only stuff marketing agencies can provide. Therefore, go for guerilla marketing agencies that can create a viral campaign for your company that will make people remember you and your brand name for good.