Wednesday 8 July 2015

Greatest Tip of Marketing - Being a Relationship Expert

To sell the brand, you have to sell yourself first! I know you might have heard this line tons of time previously. But, you can’t say that it is not correct. The line does have a deep-rooted meaning that teaches us the fundamentals of marketing. Brand promotion can be done in a number of ways. But when promotional staff comes into picture, the responsibility is no more about the brand itself and a large part of it shifts to them. 

This is indeed one of the greatest tips about marketing. The promotional staffs who are going to take over the responsibility of the brand are relationship experts. They possess a heart-winning personality that charms everyone who interacts with them. When a promo staff interacts with one or a group of people, he infuses positivity in his presence and makes sure that everyone gains a trust over him. The charming personality of the professional helps the customer to open up and speak freely with him, just like the way s/he is talking to a friend. This builds and emotional connection between them and that drives the profitability of the brand. 

However, trust is a 2-way street. The brand ambassadors must not take the personal information and use it for telemarketing and other kinds of spam techniques used these days. They need to protect the information of the customers as they trusted him while divulging it. The idea is to create the maximum engagement between a product and a brand.

Marketing only plays the role of relaying all the goodness of the brand to the users. The rest of the task depends upon the brand itself, what it does to increase the quality of the product, and how the users get more benefitted out of it.

Trust a brand experience agency that creates the best relationship between your customers and your brand. By playing the role of the best intermediate friend, they help people choose their favourites and there occurs the beginning of a beautiful relationship.  

Wednesday 1 July 2015

The Relationship between Emotions and Marketing

I know people who will eat only at their one favourite restaurant, ladies who will buy groceries only from a specific retail mart, and kids who love only M&Ms. The question here is what is driving their loyalty. What is making them turn towards the same grocery store or the candy brand all the time, even if there are hosts of different options in front of them? Well, the answer is they all possess a deep emotional connection with the brand and that drives them towards it whenever the need of the particular product arises. 

In the world of experiential marketing, everything is about creating the best consumer experience. This is achieved via outdoor advertisement, road shows, events, billboards, and other forms of engagement marketing. The process continues till a deep-rooted emotion is built up between the brand and the targeted demography.
Every brand has its own way of creating an emotional connection with their market. BMW makes it by making you feel good about yourself; Apple does it by understanding the exact needs and specifications of their users; and so on. 

It’s all about brand vitality

It all comes down to how you are relating to your consumers. When you are loyal to the customers, your customers will show their loyalty back to you. Telling your brands that you are better than your competitors or your products is the best is no more a way to win the appreciation of your customers. You must try to increase your vitality and be interested in your customer’s needs and demands. 

And, that is how you create a deep emotional connection with your consumers. Find the right experiential agency that can guide you with their proactive marketing approaches and shows the best way to lead. Once you create an emotional connection with your customers, success will come automatically.